For many years people have been practicing meditation for their spiritual, emotional, and physical well being. But there are people in the world who do not know about the benefits of meditation. And if you are one of them then you should start practicing meditation. Meditation provides you many benefits. So we are going to learn about 5 amazing benefits of meditation in this article. Now let's begin.
1. Slower Ageing
As you age, your body gets slower and you start to
lose your edge. But meditation can slow down the aging process in your brain.
This comes from a 2015 study from UCLA. They found that long-term meditators
had healthier brains than non-meditators. By meditating regularly, those people
developed more gray matter.
And their brain volume stayed far more consistent. In
other words, meditation held back many of the most detrimental effects of aging
in the brain, awarding them a healthier, more productive mind for years to
2. Perception of Pain
Meditation is more than just a mental process. If you
practice meditation regularly, you can reduce both mental and physical pain.
Let's say you took a long hike yesterday, and your legs are aching. Is there
anything you can do to minimize that pain? Well, meditation may do the trick.
This was discovered in 2011 by a study in the Journal of Neuroscience. They
found that meditation directly impacts pain mechanisms in your brain because
the pain in many ways is a mental process.
While the injury isn't something you can control; your
experience of that injury takes place in your brain. So if you can control your
mental states, you may be able to control your pain too.
3. Finding Your Flow State
Have you ever been so absorbed in your work you forgot
the outside world even existed?
This state of mind goes by a few different names. Some
call it the zone; others say absolute focus, but most call this a flow state.
It's a short period when you're 100% focused on one specific thing. Most people
just can't snap in and out of this flow state whenever they want. But
meditation makes that transition a whole lot easier by practicing mindfulness.
You can isolate yourself in any environment, and you
can focus the entirety of your attention on small tasks like breathing. Regular
meditators are amazing at this kind of attentional isolation which can boost,
their concentration, their performance, and their time in a state of flow.
4. Unexpected Happiness
The next major benefit of meditation hits you when you
least expect it. According to a 2008 study in the Annals of Behavioral
Medicine, many people who meditate experience a small boost in their mood. It's
one of the most reliable ways to increase well-being and quality of life. But
here's the part most people don't expect; meditation can also help you find
happiness in the world around you. Frequent meditators view people and places
in a new light. Their meditation helps them discover a new perspective. They
find joy in small unexpected events and they learn to appreciate everything
that life has to offer.
5. Social Gratitude
Gratitude comes naturally when you meditate. You'll begin discovering the value in many other things you once took for granted, especially the people who matter the most in your life. Meditation provides a new-found appreciation for the connections you've made and the bonds you've built. You may even reflect on all the ways your life has been shaped by your relationships for better or for worse. As you discover yourself and learn to live in the moment, you can truly enjoy the time you spend with your friends and loved ones. You see, they're so focused on making new friends. They never developed the ones they have. So by meditating regularly, you can learn to value the people in your life and appreciate the power of real human connection.
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